Our Electrical Installation Condition Reports
If you are concerned about the safety of your electrical installation the best way to check them is to have an EICR carried out by a registered competent electrician
We can provide this service to you and this will be carried out to the latest edition of the regulations in force at the time.
In the UK this should be carried out every 10 years for a domestic property but potentially more often for business premises.
Landlords Inspection
RELEVANT TO LANDLORDS – Electrical safety first – https://www.electricalsafetyfirst.org.uk/guidance/advice-for-you/landlords/
From the 1st June 2020 private landlords are required by law to have a satisfactory report for the condition of their electrical installation.
What does it involve?
We will test all the wiring within the premises generally in the average house this is about 8-10 circuits. This will involve some or all of the power being turned off for a period of time to allow it to be carried out safely. Although some of the test involves a visual element of inspection.